Rapid Response
Rapid response services will enable affected workers to become well-versed, better informed job seekers ready to find, with our assistance, new employment opportunities. In an effort to streamline this process, affected workers must complete a registration form so that we may contact them to provide them with virtual services and information listed below:
Registration Form:
- Orientations
- Tips on filing for Unemployment Benefits (UI)
- Instructions to how to complete the “Work In Texas” application – a requirement to receive Unemployment Benefits
- Overview of Workforce Center Services
- Training/ Re-training Opportunities
Workforce Solutions Cameron has a team ready to respond when Cameron County employers face downsizing, layoffs, and/or closures. Services and employment information known as RAPID RESPONSE are provided to assist in the early stages during these difficult processes.
Early intervention, cooperation between company, workers, public agencies, and involvement from other programs offering a full range of services are key elements of Rapid Response.
How does Rapid Response work?
When Workforce Solutions Cameron is contacted about a layoff or closure, the Rapid Response Coordinator and/or the Business Services Unit will meet with officials from the company and explain services and benefits available. A plan will be developed for the company, tailoring the services for each company, based on the needs of the affected employees.
Mass Claims Filing are strongly encouraged. This process is very simple and reduces the employer’s paperwork by allowing the employer to document information in one spreadsheet, rather than responding to individual letters for each affected employee. Using the Mass Claims Filing process does not take away the rights of the employers to challenge claims; it simply streamlines the process.
Rapid Response Services are designed to ensure affected employees receive all the necessary assistance to transition to their next job. Workforce Solutions Cameron Rapid Response Services include, but are not limited to:
- Unemployment Insurance (UI): Employees are able to attend an orientation, with the intent to receive information on the basic eligibility for unemployment benefits and how to apply. Orientations are scheduled as request by the employers but are most effective when provided on company premises, and during hours of operation. This guarantees greater participation and higher results in faster reemployment. A Texas Workforce Commission Unemployment Insurance liaison may be present during these orientations to answer all questions regarding UI benefits.
- Placement Services: Reintegration into the Workforce is on the forefront of all affected. To aid in the search for future employment, the Business Services Unit assists affected workers with registration into Texas Workforce Commission’s WorkInTexas.com (WIT), a state-wide online job matching system. Being registered in WIT is a requirement for receiving UI benefits.
- Seminars: WFS Cameron offers a wide range of seminars to help affected employees cope with being laid off and finding a new job. Seminars are provided by professionals and range from Job Application & Resume Preparation to Interviewing Skills & Coping with Job Loss.
- Labor Market Information: It is important that affected employees are apprised of the latest trends in occupations and industries, enabling them to make an educated decision on their future employment interests. WFS Cameron provides a target and demand occupations list along with information on other occupational resources.
- Vocational Training: If an affected employee is lacking additional skillsets and/or certifications, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act and/or Trade Adjustment Act provides financial assistance for training opportunities once eligibility criteria is met. These are programs available through WFS Cameron.
How can I get more information and/or advice on a layoff/company closure?
For assistance with layoff and business closures, email PIO@wfscameron.org.