Workforce Solutions Cameron understands that it may be difficult for employers to stay informed on current laws. Therefore we have compiled the following resources to assist employers.
Guide for Hiring People with Disabilities
Texas Workforce Solutions comprises the Texas Workforce Commission, 28 local workforce development boards and our service-providing partners. Together we provide workforce, education, training and support services, including vocational rehabilitation assistance for the people of Texas.
Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWS-VRS), in conjunction with Office of the Federal Contract Compliance Program and a group of local businesses, has produced this guide on attracting and hiring people with disabilities.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a primary funding source for public vocational rehabilitation (VR) services. WIOA requires that states provide Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) to students with disabilities age 14-21. Recently Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services added new opportunities for Pre-ETS. This session will focus on what you need to know about the TWC, VR initiatives, including the Summer Earn and Learn program, a paid internship program for transition age youth with disabilities and other work-based learning programs available across the state.
Unemployment Tax Services is TWC's free Internet system that allows employers with
1,000 or fewer employees to manage their unemployment tax account online.
Click Here to learn more about Unemployment Tax Services.
TWC Employer Hotline: 1-800-832-9394
Free Required Posters Requirements:
State and federal laws require employers to display several posters at the workplace. Posters should be displayed in such a way that each employee can readily see them.
Available Posters
Required posters (all free of charge) that are available from the Texas Workforce Commission include:
Need a Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Tax Account
Click to begin your quick & free, online service to register for your tax account as easily as possible.
Tax Credits And Incentives
It is very important in today's business to be able to take advantage of any resources available that can positively impact your bottom line. Tax credits and tax incentives are among those resources that are often overlooked. You may be thinking that filling out the forms and dealing with the paperwork related to tax incentives and credits will be too difficult or time consuming. The truth is that the paperwork is not very difficult at all, and there is a good chance your most successful competitors are already doing it.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit
WOTC is a Federal tax credit incentive that Congress provides to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced barriers to employment.
Earning Tax Credits For Your Company
This fact sheet discusses the WOTC program and how employers can participate and benefit from the tax credits.
Veterans and WOTC
This brochure will offer insight on how to earn federal income tax credits for hiring Veterans.
Texas Workforce Commission is partnering with the Texas Governor’s Committee on People With Disabilities and the Texas Workforce Solutions network for a campaign called Texas HireAbility to raise awareness about the benefits of hiring people with disabilities and to highlight the contributions of people with disabilities in the workforce.
This online version of Especially for Texas Employers is designed to be as easy as possible to use. It is like an electronic book. The book follows the format of the printed version as closely as possible, but can be a lot easier to get around in the online version than in the book, due to the many ways a user can navigate from topic to topic. Note: the book is organized by articles and topics. To scroll up or down, either use the up and down arrows on the scrollbar to the right of the text window, or else (and this is easier than using the mouse) click once in the text window and use the Page Down or Page Up keys to go down or up on the page.
Staff with Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services work with you to understand your business needs and provide customized services. We help your employees become more aware of key disability issues, help you fill open positions at your business with qualified job seekers with disabilities, asses your workplace, job descriptions and recruitment and application processes to remove barriers, and provide training and accommodations assistance. There is no fee for our services.
Small businesses can apply to TWC for training offered by their local community or technical college, or the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). TWC processes the applications and works with the college to fund the specific courses selected by businesses for their employees.
The Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces more than 180 federal laws. These mandates and the regulations that implement them cover many workplace activities for about 10 million employers and 125 million workers. This brief summary is intended to acquaint you with the major labor laws and not to offer a detailed exposition.
Click her for more information of how the DOL can help your business.
SBA provides small businesses with an array of financing for small businesses from the smallest needs in microlending - to substantial debt and equity investment capital (venture capital).
If you would like to utilize this service for your next hiring event, visit your nearest Workforce Solutions Cameron center, or click here to send us your information.
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