Annual Impact Report
This publication is meant to highlight the many good things happening at Workforce Solutions Cameron over the past year. Many parties share the wealth of successes we have enjoyed, including our visionary Board of Directors, our County and City elected officials, our many partner organizations, our dedicated Board staff, and the hard-working staff of our service delivery contractor for both our Workforce Centers and our Child Care operations–Southwest Key Workforce Development, LLC. All working together, we have demonstrated to the rest of the state that WFS Cameron is a successful, winning workforce development agency. Just this past year at the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) state conference WFS Cameron was honored with three distinguished state-wide awards totaling $130,000 in additional funding for our clients.
In addition to winning awards, WFS Cameron has consistently met or exceeded all of the TWC performance measures, and has initiated a number of innovative projects detailed in this publication that improve and/or expand the level of helpful services to the variety of distinct client groups that we serve. We are duly proud of this success and will strive to accomplish even more to the benefit of our constituency in the future.