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Some centers choose to strive for a higher level of operating standards and seek accreditation.  There are several national, professional organizations that promote high-quality standards in early childhood education.  Click Here for more information.

The mission of Child Care Licensing is to protect children through regulation and education.

Child Care Licensing responsibilities include:

  • Regulating all child-care operations and child-placing agencies to protect the health, safety, and well-being of children in care.
  • Permitting and monitoring operations and agencies for compliance with state licensing standards, rules and laws.
  • Investigating complaints alleging violations of minimum standards and reports of abuse or neglect in daycare and residential childcare operations.
  • Informing parents and the public about child care, including how specific daycare and residential childcare operations are complying with minimum standards of care.
  • Giving child-care providers technical assistance on meeting licensing standards, rules, and laws.

Click Here to learn more about Texas Child Care Licensing.

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Review latest news, recent updates, training information and frequently asked questions.

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Review latest news, recent updates, training information and frequently asked questions.

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